Forest Lawn Road Diet

LA City Hall’s Radical Road Diet Will Overwhelm Our Streets with Traffic and Destroy Our Neighborhoods

Join us to Save Forest Lawn Drive

The City of LA is planning to remove two of the four vehicle travel lanes on Forest Lawn Drive in order to expand the street’s existing bike lanes. This will create severe gridlock on a roadway serving our local community and neighborhoods in Toluca Lake, Burbank, Los Feliz, Hollywood Hills, and beyond.
Forest Lawn Drive is a critical roadway serving thousands of area residents, office and studio workers, and visitors to Griffith Park. It’s also the only access point to Forest Lawn and Mount Sinai Memorial Park – two of the most important cultural and religious sites in our region.

The City’s misguided plan will leave just a single vehicle lane in each direction — causing massive traffic backups on Forest Lawn Drive, Barham Blvd., and the 101 and 134 Freeways.

A Harmful, Unnecessary Plan

The City’s own plan shows that Forest Lawn Drive can be reconfigured to enhance the existing bike lanes without sacrificing lanes for motor vehicles, including emergency responders. But the City is trying to take the easy way out without considering the horrible traffic impacts their harmful plan will create.

Previous road diets have been a
disaster for other LA communities

City-imposed road diets in Mar Vista and Playa del Rey in 2017 were a disaster for those communities, creating massive traffic bottlenecks, slowing emergency responders, and harming local businesses. Public outrage eventually forced City officials to reverse course and restore the closed traffic lanes.

“If you are one of the many people who were inconvenienced, who were late to work, or who missed a bedtime story with your toddler, I am truly sorry.”

– Former City Councilmember Mike Bonin

L.A. Times Photo

Read more about the harmful impacts
of previous LA road diets

- LA Times

- CBS Los Angeles

- Wall Street Journal